Freitag, 2. März 2012

DIY: Clock Makeover

It's just all this free time ahead (all this free time filled with learning, writing, practising....) that brings me to my DIY stuff :).
I bought my buzzer about two years ago (or was it one?) . I liked its form and, back then, its colour.
However just last week I felt like I really needed a makeover.
I cleaned my magnet board, removed photos etc. and while doing all this I saw my buzzer sitting there all in orange and screaming for a change.
I could not not listen to it. Couldn't I?

It's absolutely easy!
All you need is:
- a fabric of your choice
- glue (mot podge if you have. I used my super craft-glue. It glues everything!)
- scissors
- button (optional)

1. material
2. place your buzzer/alarm clock on your fabric
3. cut a stripe. It should be able to go round the buzzer (did you ever recognized how many words exist for one thing?!)
4.+4.2.(next picture) glue your piece of fabric on the clock.
   For my super glue: It's important not to use to much glue. I did this ones while making some of my 
notebooks and it ended with a fabric soaked in glue, hard and make it short: it looked awful.
  I just spread the glue with my finger evenly that is what works best for me.
  See the big snooze-button in picture 3.? I just covered it. I thought about cutting it open (I did not put glue on the button) but I just left it covered with fabric. I like it that way. However you can do it just as you want.

5. I stopped with my glue marking right at the silicon feet's (it makes it sticky. I did not want to stop that!) Just cut evenly and finish the edges with some glue (so the fabric won't fray)
6. Now cut evenly and close to the edge of your buzzer. finish it with some glue again (just a tiny bit).
7. Add any button or other stuff you want.

There you go. Your new and shiny alarm clock :)

Uhm yes. I changed my button after I realized I had gripped an ugly neon-sort-of-yellow. And yes, the second photo is taken 4 days later ;)

remodeled bed-corner. The frame used to be yellow and was full with photos. The card is from my mum, given to me at the 14th. I just added some glue (which you can't see)

don't worry. The glass with water does not stand there normally. I was just cleaning my window and had to put it somewhere ;) 

So off again to some serious math sessions. I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Update: Sorry for all my grammar and spelling mistakes. I think I just pretend it was due to all this school practise this week ;)

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